6.10. Including other documents or scripts

Inside a script you can ask Karrigell to include the content of another static file or the output of another script by the Include(url) function, where url is the url of the file or script (you can use aliases as for ordinary files)

This is useful if you want to build a set of pages with components which will be present in each page (for instance a header and/or a footer). Your script will be built this way :

Include("authenticationTest.py")    # a script testing user authentication
Include("header.htm")   # a static file with a title, style sheet etc
(... your script body ...)
Include("footer.py")    # a script which will print current date for instance

At runtime, Karrigell will raise a RecursionError in case of loops (scripts that include themselves, or script 1 includes script 2 which includes script 1)

6.10.1 Namespace

An included script is run in the same namespace as the script which "calls" it, including the variables defined in this script : if the caller script is

print "The life of "

and whoseName.py is

print name

you'll see that the name variable is available in the included script

6.10.2 Passing parameters

It can be useful to pass parameters to an included script : see for instance the menu script in the personal portal demo. This script takes as parameters a list of menu items and the list of matching urls

It will be included this way :


Parameters can also be passed in the query string appended to the script url : with Include("/mypath/aScript.pih?data=dummy") the variable data will be available in the namespace of aScript.pih